Polluted water and chronic malnutrition causing stunting in children in Madagascar.
“Tackling malnutrition is not just about food. It is about providing safe water, decent toilets and soap for washing. In Madagascar, almost 90% of the population have no toilet and half don’t have access to clean drinking water,” said Lovy Rasolofomanana, director for WaterAid Madagascar.
Madagascar has the 5th-highest rate of stunting in the world. Stunting represents a significant deviation from the median height for age.
Polluted water and poor sanitation causes diarrhea and intestinal worms which leads to malnutrition, health issues and cognitive impairment.
For children this means decreased attendance at school which affects future employment prospects.
“Dirty water muddies future for Madagascar's children,” 26 July 2016, accessible at https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jul/26/dirty-water-muddies-future-for-madagascar-children.